For Anna Sokólska, the title of Polish Champion for the second time in a row!
Anna Sokólska, a competitor of AMM Archery Białystok, riding a horse named Czanar, defended last year’s title of Polish Champion in Horse Archery. Last weekend in the fields of Grunwald, during the 2nd Polish Championships, after a fierce fight, she stood on the highest step of the podium, confirming her domination on the national arena. The title of the First Runner-Up went to Wojtek Osiecek, on a Ballentine horse, secretly representing Grom. In the final classification, Osiecki lost 2 points to Sokólska. The 2nd vice-champion was Natalia Koprowska, competing on the mare Dumka.
“It’s amazing, I still find it hard to believe,” said Anna Sokólska right after the announcement of the results.
“Thanks to the fans and all friends for their support. It was a hard three days of struggle, and the pressure related to the rank of the competition and defending the title weighed a bit. I’m glad I won! ” – added Sokólska.
The competition was attended by a record number of 42 competitors in three age categories – senior, junior and younger junior. The Polish Championship was played on three different competitions: Polish Track, Hungarian Track and Korean Track. The final result was a component of the points from the three days of competition, when Polish, Korean and Hungarian competitions were played.
In the 13-person junior ranking, the rookie Sebastian Prokop on horse Koper, representing the colors of the “Stajnia Oprzenie” Sports Club, triumphed. On the second step of the podium was Aleks Marynowski on Ballentine, training in the Grom stable. The third place was won by the only Amazon in this group, Wiktoria Balewska on the horse Ohara, who is a club friend of the junior winners.
In the younger junior category (children under 11), the winner was Patryk Strzępek, a member of the Grom stable, riding a horse named Santos. The honorable title of the 1st Runner-Up was won by Sławek Włostowski, representing the Horse Archery Club “Orkan”, riding on the horse Alberto. Emilia Szczesiul – AMM Archery on Laufer was awarded the third place and the title of the 2nd Runner-Up. This age group was attended by 6 riders from all over Poland, and their participation is especially pleasing due to their age and willingness to compete.