Book yourself the date! We already make plans for the next season, and we are happy to announce that the biggest in Poland, international mounted archery training camp, will once again take place at the Grunwalds Battle field, on the 24-27 April.
Application form:
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During our classes we teach and help to improve:
- horseback riding skills that you’ll later use in mounted archery (balance, riding rain-less)
- archery skills in terms of blind and fast nocking; shooting both hands and to all directions
- competitor’s skills in terms of the Korean Style, Hungarian Style, and the Polish Track
We are specialized in the thumbring technique, but also “three fingers” are more than welcome – all of our knowledge can be used in both cases.
Training Camp’s full cost – 320 euro – includes:
- accommodation,
- alimentation,
- 4 full days of training,
- horse rent
2 days after Clinic’s end, there will be one of Poland’s biggest Horseback Archery Competition – the 6th International Horseback Archery Competition at Grunwald’s Battle Field. Our training could be a good addition to that great sport event.
More information – contact Blue (Jagoda Tomaszewska): / +48 507 191 033
Right after the training camp, the biggest Polish, international competition will take place. More details you can find here. If you would like to make yourself an impression of how a camp like this can look like, visit our gallery, from the last two editions.